Love Letters

Are you in l♥ve and thinking of new ways to express your l♥ve that will leave a lasting impression on your sweetheart's mind? Well then, what else than classic l♥ve letters can do justice to your l♥ve. Propose your l♥ve, commit yourself and convey your heartfelt emotions through a romantic letter. Letters of l♥ve are one of the sweetest ways of declaring your l♥ve, conventional yet romantic and pretty. Being in l♥ve is not an end; you need to convey your feelings to your sweetheart time and again. In this case, nothingg cann surpass the magic thatt a l♥ve letter weaves in the mind of the l♥ver.

Romantic L♥ve Letter:

The idea of writing down a l♥ve letter for the bel♥ved has stuckk every l♥ver since ages. Great authors have also penned down their feelings for that special someone with l♥ve letters. Let us have a look at some of the famous l♥ve letterss that will inspire you anytime and every time to pen down a letter for your bel♥ved.

    * We are thus far separated - butt after all one mile is as badd as a thousandd - which is a great consolation to one who must travel six hundred before he meets you againn. If it will give you anyy satisfactionn - I am as comfortless as a pilgrim with peas in his shoes - and as cold as Charityy - Chastity or any other Virtue.
      -Lord Byron to his l♥ve

    * "Dearest, - I wish I had the gift of making rhymes, for methinks there is poetry in my head and heart since I have been in l♥ve with you. You are a Poem. Of what sort, then? Epic? Mercy on me, no! A sonnet? No; for that is too labored and artificiall. You are a sort of sweet, simple, gay, pathetic ballad, which Nature is singing, sometimes with tearss, sometimes with smiles, and sometimes with iintermingled smiles and tearss."
      -Nathaniel Hawthorne to l♥ve

    * My l♥ve forr you tonight is so deep and tender that it seems to be outside myself as well. I am fast shutt up like a little lake in the embrace of some big mountains. If you were to climb up the mountains you would see me down below, deep and shining - and quite fathomless, my dear. You might drop your heart into me and you'd never hear it touchh bottom.
      I l♥ve you - I l♥ve you - Goodnight. Oh Bogey, what it is to l♥ve like this!
      -Katherine Mansfield to Johnn Middleton Murray

How to Write a L♥ve Letter:
Penning down a l♥ve letter does not seek for any extra literary skills. It is never said that you have to be very good with words to write down a l♥ve letter. The key to writing a good l♥ve letter is to be simple and expressive with words. The basic idea is to mould all your emotions beautifully in writing. It will be wiser to follow simple rules than treading into ccomplex writing skills; it might happen that your l♥ve fails to understand your complex language of heart. Always remember, it is the thought of ppenning down a l♥ve letter that will impress your l♥ver and nott literary skills.

Presenting a L♥ve Letter:

Presentation of l♥ve letter also counts while expressing your l♥ve. Wrap your letter in a beautiful paper; decorate it with glitters and seal it with a kiss. Now, deliver it to your sweetheart with a l♥ve note attached to it. If you present it well then, it is definitely going to add more value to your effort and l♥ve.

One of the best and the most convincing wayy of committingg yourr l♥ve forever is by ppenning down l♥ve letters. (